3 & 4 Year Olds 3 & 4 Year Olds

Miss Kathy’s three and four year old classes focus on preparing your child to enter school.
Our certified teachers focus on colors, shapes, alphabet, numbers, and much more. Music, art, and story time, reading are among your child’s daily activities.
3 & 4 Year Old Schedule
6:00AM - 7:30AM Breakfast
7:30AM - 8:00AM Free Play
8:00AM - 8:30AM Potty Time
8:30AM - 9:00AM Circle Time
9:00AM - 10:00AM Centers/Art
10:00AM - 10:15AM Story Time
10:15AM - 11:00AM Outside Time
11:00AM - 11:30AM Clean Up/Potty
11:30AM - 11:50AM Lunch Time
11:50AM - 12:00PM Clean Up/Potty
12:00PM - 2:00PM Nap
2:00PM - 2:15PM Story Time
2:15PM - 2:30PM Snack
2:30PM - 3:05PM Centers
3:05PM - 3:15PM Clean Up/Potty
3:15PM - 4:00PM Outside Time
4:00PM - 4:15PM Empty Shoes/ Wash Up
4:15PM - 5:00PM Story/Share Time
5:00PM - 6:00PM Free Play